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Thursday, May 5, 2011

All good things come to an end.

WOW. It's been exactly an YEAR of blogging on Planet Shu since my first post on 17 May 2010. What a run it has been!

As the time has come to wrap up this blog, I have a few things to say...

In the year that passed, this blog has given me immense happiness; something to look forward in life, an outlet to express my emotions, a chapter in life I can always go back and read, an analysis into my own self, the warm support of several close friends and many little invaluable lessons learnt along the way.

The most important of all, personally, is that I surpassed my own beliefs in my writing abilities and proved to myself that I can, in fact, write and keep writing. Not only that, I actually found blogging highly enjoyable. I don't have to hire someone to write my autobiography after all!

"When you found me, I was living in a deep, dark (s)hell. I didn't even recognise myself. You came along, took the pains to hunt me down from the shadows, and dragged me out of this (s)hell, screaming and kicking, in to the World outside. You gave me a voice, you gave me strength, you gave me belief in myself, you gave me a sense of self-worth and you gave me reason to keep moving forward when I had none. I am a stronger person today."

Thank you all, once again, for the support and encouragement. I could not have done without it.

[The rambles of this blogger continue on]

Monday, April 25, 2011

"Music is what feelings sound like"

Music is such a powerful uniting force. Something so basic as sound produced at different frequencies has given rise to so many combinations of musical pieces, and this has transcended time, traditions, instruments, languages, cultures and styles. Even with thousands of years of history, music is still evolving with endless possibilities.

Earlier in the day, I attended a "jamming session" with a group of mostly professional artistes and I feel really good about being a small part of a piece that I'll be playing with them. Truth is, my amateur skills will be safely masked by these pros on the big day. And in an ordinary practice session, I don't speak the language they speak so I miss out on 90% of the dialogues! But the music, I do understand. Fortunate experiences of closely watching people such as these and the bounds to which one can push oneself in this line, is an endless source of inspiration.

I've also bumped into plenty of people who have given me encouraging nudges to keep going;

A mom who was the first one to acknowledge my affinity to screechy instruments and get me my first violin in 1995 with her hard-earned pocket money. A very supportive sis who just knows what to do without having me to ask for any support. Several teachers who didn't give up on me in the face of challenges. Another family, whose coincidental aquaintance marked the beginning of a solid base foundation in this hobby. The ex, for walking the many extra miles to pick and drop me off at classes and for sitting patiently in empty car parks at night, studying under dim street lights as I practised my notes. Friends who patiently listened to me play (often with alot of feedback from the microphones!) on webcam, so that I may get over the fear of playing to audiences, friends who came to watch concerts for support (yeah, you know who you are!), and many others who have walked hand-in-hand in this journey...

So, yes, Thank YOU.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Cut out the poetry, Watson!"

Recent advances in technology which make our lives so much connected and convenient must be commended. I am now able to read Sherlock Holmes through a phone application which I downloaded from Until now, I had missed many opportunities to read that particular book. I didn't even have to go to a library or carry a book with me everywhere I go. Whenever I have some free time, be it waiting for someone, waiting in a queue, in need of a distraction from routine or simply waiting to fall asleep in bed, I can simply turn on the application, go to a bookmarked page and continue reading it. Amazing!

My thoughts on the book so far... Surely, Holmes is the star character, without whose advanced observational and deducing skills, we won't have any adventures to read about. But he is far from being a normal human bieng and had I known him in real life, I doubt he would have made a good friend. Watson, on the other hand, I find is a more relatable character. His feelings are honestly and more frequently expressed in the story. Their relationship however puzzles me. Watson, even with his poor investigative skills (in comparison with Holmes) and minimal contributions to solving mysteries, is very loyal to Holmes. Holmes, when he can surely use any trained person or a trusted police officer to be his side kick, prefers Watson instead. Let's assume Watson gets some glory in getting a juicy story to write about from an insider's point of view and perhaps also partial credit in solving a mystery, what does Holmes get from Watson? Someone who can put up with his strange ways and emotionally unresponsive personality? Or is it someone who obliges to any request Holmes makes? Let see, if I can understand this better as I read on. I'm still on Chapter 6 out of a possible 30.

Having spent 2 troubled weeks, this is analysis week. I've had experiences dealing with 4 different (difficult) people, who got to see a very reactive side of me, I usually don't summon.

Case 1
A close friend from work, to whom I lent some money at her hour of need many months back and some of my sister's DVDs 6 months back. Time went by, she never attempted to return the DVDs even with a few reminders and she never spoke about the money even after the "agreed date for returning" passed by. I was feeling bad whenever my sister asked about the DVDs and things got tight after my unfortunate incident of losing a big cash bill recently.

Action: I sent her a very strong, no sugar glaze, message on Facebook instead of telling her directly at work. I did this because I am better at expressing myself in writing than speaking.

Response: She was very apologetic and confessed she "forgot about it" due to her carelessness and said she would return it this week at work.

Lesson: Be short and sharp in expressing what I need, whichever way I am comfortable doing it. Doesn't matter what people think of me, if I am reasonable.

Case 2
A government official who has been neglecting processing an application I sent 14 months ago, despite numerous emails and calls.

Action: A very vocal and good friend of mine initiated a phone call to him, and I followed up with a strong email and copied some extra email addresses in hopes that someone senior might question this incompetent officer.

Response: Instant feedback from him and positive signs of him processing my application.

Lesson: ALWAYS include more recipients in an email, in addition to the person it is addressed to, preferably a senior authority, in emails that require action and transparency in dealings.

Case 3
A blouse given to a tailor for stitching.

Action: He didn't deliver on the promised date. I was made to go an extra trip to collect this item to find out he hadn't even started on it. I went ballistic and made alot of noise at the shop. He promised to complete it the next day, after I lied about wanting to wear it the next day and expressed my disgust at their service. The only reason I pushed him was because I wanted to get my hands on this suit as early as possible as I was very excited to have it back.

Response: He did return it the next day. However, the job was VERY badly done, rushed and probably done in spite. Now I have a misfitting blouse, beyond repair, to wear for a very important occasion.

Lesson: Be very tactful in dealings that involve the need for good service. Treat your aid with respect and understanding and you will have cooperation and good service. Treat them badly and they will do the same.

Case 4
As elaborately mentioned in my previous blog, this is about the girl who travels to work with me. Despite many reminders, she is consistently late, causing most of us (mostly me) stress in getting to work on time.

Action: I sent her a sms, stating clearly that I am unhappy about it and my (drastic) course of action to deal with her. I stuck to my word from the very next day, when she was late once again.

Response: She got my message loud and clear. She was apologetic and did not engage in an argument to reverse my decision.

Lesson: Consistency is key to dealing with people who fail in certain areas habitually. Giving into their ways or loosening up, only causes more disappointment.


No two experiences or personalities are alike and each object of conflict must have a customised method of approach. The first most important thing to do is to regain composure before reacting. Second, one must consider all the facts of the situation. Third, one must be reasonable when making a decision. Fourth, the message going across must be short and to the point showing reason and some degree of understanding. Fifth, be consistent and do not waiver in the decision made (provided it was made with the above considerations)... theory, at least!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Anger Management

Oh wow... time for a blog!!

This short absence from blogging has mostly been because I have been learning to deal with several difficult people the past few weeks. Usually at the face of a conflict, I sweep the issues under the rug or simply run away. Man, I really need to grow some reinforcements and face it early before things turn into volcanic eruptions!

My blog is also my outlet for venting out; I have to let it out somewhere, or it can be catastrophic with many fatalities! It takes a lot to make me angry, but when someone or something has gone beyond my good-willed tolerance levels, I am very unforgiving and unwilling to compromise. I value alot of good habits and punctuality holds a supreme spot. One of my travel buddies has serious time management issues. She is regularly late to get her ass ready and out of the apartment in the mornings, and as a result 5 of us (including herself) are usually late. I am affected the most as I am the last one to reach office after fighting for a parking lot. Today was her unlucky day, I reached office only 3 mins past my official starting time, but she has pissed me off on too many days and so she received a warning:

Hi X,
I am unhappy with you being consistently late. I have been to office past 9am too often. From tomorrow onwards, I will give you the usual missed call 10 minutes before I arrive at your place, and if you are not downstairs, I will assume you are late and won't wait. I am sure you undertand that it is my responsibility to make sure everyone, including myself, gets to work on time.

She called back and was very apologetic and admitted it's her fault entirely. Not before having the nerve to say "I noticed your aura was unlike other days and you were very upset". SERIOUSLY WTF, you only noticed TODAY??? You SUCK at reading auras. Then she said, "Please don't drive off if I am not downstairs". Listen you *insert suitable noun here*, I am NOT going to waste any more phone credit of mine to call you to see if you are coming or not, and certainly NOT going to wait for you if I don't hear from you. Don't you get it? It is UNFAIR to the others and you are just being plain SELFISH. I suppose you don't get it, after all.

Can't wait for tomorrow morning to see what happens.... *evil grin*

On to better things to talk about. Recently, I put up a scanned copy of an old hand-written calendar on Facebook, that my paternal grandfather handed over it to me before he passed on. He was very clever and good with numbers (among other things), and this one paged calendar could be used for checking dates for all the years of the 21st century (to be verified for other years, but it works until 2028 for certain). I have no proof that he designed it on his own, and I won't go as far as to make an annoucement like that. I then tagged, all his children and grandchildren who were on Facebook. Seeing all the comments of these people, I realised what an impact he made on so many people. Also, we relatives are not too close or the type to keep in touch regularly, but it has been heart-warming to see how everyone is united under this common link "seeya" (meaning, grandfather in my native language) and openly expressing their admiration and respect for him on Facebook, several months after he passed on.

This brings me to an interesting thought. The video below says "Imagine what people will be saying at your funeral and if you don't like what you hear, go do something about your life", I am thinking, it should be rather what people will be saying about you LONG AFTER the funeral.

Youtube: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Name is Earl

You know how life screws over one person and rewards another at the same time? Every once in a while you have to be the sucker who got screwed.

Lately, the feeling of living in the inside of my head has been so overwhelming that I have been less mindful of what I am doing physically. So today after being entrusted with a huge cash bill, I was sent on a shopping errand. I don't remember much of the events that happened, but I lost this bill. Desperate attempts to find it were futile.

It took me exactly 1.5 hours to get over the shock, the disbelief, the anger and sadness of the loss and means of replacement; all thanks to an adorable picture of a cat loaf! Feelings of disappointment over the unexpected turn of events remain, but with acceptance of facts, it is easier to handle.

So that was the sucker's part of the story.

Let's see the lucky person's side of the story. This area was particularly crowded with foreign workers of the lower-income range. I hope the one who found this bill was someone who needed it badly. Although I can't be sure of who the recipient was, it is some consolation knowing that who ever took it, will make good use of it for their happiness.

What a day!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Small Talk

Today I was awfully pissed off at a "friend" from work. Lately, she has been very distant and she is undoutedly passing a very destructive phase in her romantic life. Add to it, she is also quite manipulative. Work has been very hectic lately and my lunch breaks are reduced in half. I come to the lunch room to enjoy my lunch in peace. But no, I can't do that; there is a rowdy bunch who laughs so loudly, you can hardly hear your own thoughts. To add to that, my "friend", starts updating me on her love life without any invitation (I DON'T GIVE A DAMN, WOMAN. I HAVE LOST TRACK OF YOUR BOYFRIENDS AND THEIR BIOS. NOW LET ME EAT MY FOOD IN PEACE), as I play with my food longingly, trying to sneak in a spoonful of food when she stops talking for a bit.

Oh no, I am not that nice. I may feel sorry for her later and have her unload her troubles on me willingly, but not today. In the end, I was forced to listen to her simply because I had no other place to go and eat in a hurry. And she had no clue. URGH.

I very much dislike having "small talk" with people I don't associate with much. It is too fake most of the time:

X: HI (with much enthusiasm), how ARE you?
Me (for the hundredth time today): I am good, thanks *forced smile*.
X: How was your weekend?
Me: It was good (Quick Shu, try to recall what you did) *forced smile* (Shit, I can't remember! :O). I relaxed at home *forced smile* (OH OH I know, try the weather!). It is getting hotter now, can barely go out to do anything! (which is a lie, the weather is still bearable).
X: That's right! (loud laughter, hard to tell if it is real or forced), which is why I did _______ and ________ with ________ on Friday. OMG it was SO exciting. Blah Blah Blah. Next weekend, I want to do _______ at _______ with ________. And more Blah Blah Blahs.
Me: *forced smile* (Good grief. HELP) *another forced smile*
X: So how is that report coming along?
Me: (Finally, thought you'd never ask). Oh? That is coming along well. I should be done by lunch time. I will come and see you about it later today.
X: Thanks. I'll catch up later.
Me: Great, you have a good day. (Whew)
X: Yeah, you too.

Walks past, to notice another small talker approaching. (Quick Shu, make a dash for it!)


(Success! :D)

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Show Goes On

This week's No. 1 hit on on Shu's OCD chart IS:

*drum roll*

DAMN, I can't get enough of the orchestral music playing in the background. It even has a Chinese classical music feel to it. Love it!!!