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Friday, November 5, 2010

A new arrival

I got my new violin, the one that's going to help me practice and speed up my learning process in class. It looks and sounds great!

Just like some parents might be disappointed over getting a daughter when they expected a son, I am disappointed in the ugly greenish case it came in. But unlike those parents, I can probably get my case changed.

Class was good. Unfortunately, the teacher gives me too much attention, while two other kids sat idling and waiting for their turn. It might be because she finds it easier to teach an established student than a new student. But it is not a good feeling knowing that you are talking up time they could have spent learning something valuable.

External appearances of people can be deceiving, yet we lay alot of emphasis on it and base most of our character judgements on it.

Hmmm, what else?

I'll be going to my home country for a vacation. It's been an year since I last visited there and it's been 6 years since I left home for good. It feels like going to an unfamiliar land with strange (and mostly unacceptable) ways. Even slightly disappointing and depressing at the same time.

I'll go to a dimly lit house with much fond and not-so-fond childhood memories. My room's been given away, my cupboard is now a store for junk that my parents are not mentally prepared to throw away. My belongings have been reduced to a suitcase. Clothes don't fit anymore or are seriously out of fashion. I don't recognise my neighbourhood anymore. People stare at me like I am green or something. I find the content broadcasted in the media quite intolerable, as most are directly copied from popular TV shows in other parts of the world. Religious talks with good advice are broadcasted every day on TV and radio, several times even, but I don't see any significant improvement it has had on society while I was away. Sexually repressed men are on every corner, idling without any aim in life or sense of responsibility, preying on passers by with things ranging from insensitive remarks to harassment on public buses. Most conversations with elders conclude on the emphasis of a marriage. People talk mostly about others' affairs, gossip if you like to call it. People talk everyday for hours about topics that have no conclusions or solutions like the country's politics, cost of living or scandals that have nothing to do with them.

Having said all that, it is nice to go back to the warmth of the home that my parents have created. It is feels good to sit with them and listen to what they say. It is nice to see the joy in their aged eyes when they see us smile and talk of our accomplishments proudly. It's great to taste familiar food. It is lovely to admire the surroundings, scenery and beauty of the land that we we born on. It feels peaceful to see time slow down.

I'm actively playing Mouse Hunt on Facebook these days. Still on Recruit level. But managed to catch alot of mice today with some good mouse-hunting tips and a generous inheritance of gold :)

Arghhh the Ides of March are creeping up on me...

1 comment:

  1. "Just like some parents might be disappointed over getting a daughter when they expected a son, I am disappointed in the ugly greenish case it came in. But unlike those parents, I can probably get my case changed."

    LOL! (:
