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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Of mice and social networks

Unfortunately my reservoir for blogging ideas these days is tainted with this disease.

Another visit to a doctor yesterday. This time an ENT specialist. Didn't think he would be that much useful (I was right). But why did I go? Because the family told me so. Got to please them every once in awhile.

A conversation with the radiologist just before getting an X-ray:
Radiologist: Are you married or not married?
Shu: Not married.
Radiologist: Are you single?
Shu (sickly and annoyed): Yes. (WTF. Didn't I just answer that?)

Took me till hours later AND some help to figure out the logic behind that style of questioning in a country where pregancy out of wedlock can get you arrested and/or deported!

Made some hefty purchases in game "gold" on Mousehunt today, thanks to some generous donations. Now to work Piped Piper's magic.

Also happened to watch "The Social Network" after declaring a half day of sick leave from work. Ok, I was really feeling awful and unable to work. So yeah, I thought it was a great movie, in that it's based on a (currently relevant) real story and reflects the struggles Facebook was subject to, to get to where it is today - a 500 million user-base. Impressive, I'd say. One need not elaborate on how much Facebook is part of our everyday lives now.

There was a confusing 10 seconds of a strong tremor a while back. It could have been an earthquake or a disturbing hallucination. Too soon to confirm. Oh well, I'll know tomorrow if the building hasn't already collapsed for an after-shock.

GO TO SLEEP SHU, are you mad to stay up so late??? Another day of sick leave and you might get fired!


  1. LOL on the Dr's questions! Not all unmarried people are single my dear :p

  2. See I didn't get that at first, specially when I assumed she was being professional!! I thought in legal terms "not married = single".

    They should seriously consider handing out a leaflet at the x-ray clinic that says, "if you are not legally married and suspect you are pregnant, RUN AWAY, NOW. We will not inform the authorities."
