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Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone"

Six hours of possible sleep-time before waking up to a new week of work...

This weekend has been one of those rare productive, satisfying and warm/fuzzy ones. Despite the health setbacks, I've managed to accomplish much. I am not crying over having to go to work tomorrow, unlike some other weekends where I just turn my lazy butt at the Sun and dwell in regret/ self-pity for time lost.

My last blog, written out of frustration at the time, stired deeper thoughts and further internal analysis. I have found clearer explanations to some of my questions, thanks to one who has a natural gift for analysing, breaking down and simplifying things ;)

For the first time, I've got lessons which I feel challenged about in my music class. The notes are hard, I am struggling, I fail, I practice, I try hard. I fail again. I still love it.

Time for Chariotte's health check up tomorrow. She will get her vitals checked and fixed. She's been nothing but reliable and helpful. I don't know what I would do without her.

Nothing like waiting for your turn outside the doctor's clinic, watching unknown people and muted documentaries on BBC, to drift you off to a place where you can think. If you are feeling overwhelming love and positivity and hope for the world, you need to visit a hospital. Tiny children afflicted with disease, horror-striken mothers, cancer patients, people with deformities, people with skin conditions and the like are everywhere. And then it hits you, "Yes, they do exist and I share this world with them". Then you also remember the less-fortunate fellow beings and helpless animals. How easy it is to forget them, as your pampered able-bodies sit on your selfish asses, indulging in fleeting pleasures, dreaming of self-centered ambitions, complaining of what you do not have. SHAME ON YOU.

Five hours of sleep-time left before waking up to a new week of work.


  1. "analysing, breaking down and simplifying things"

    Sounds almost like an enzyme that can think.

    "overwhelming love and positivity and hope for the world"

    What are these things?

    "Tiny children afflicted with disease"

    These things I know and approve of.

  2. ENZYME???!! That's HILARIOUS!!
