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Monday, May 31, 2010

Impending Doom

What a day!

Today I was supposed to go to work an hour early (8am) but woke up late (forgetting to keep the alarm). Luckily for me, my biological clock woke me before it was too late. Then I had to get to work in a taxi at super-traffic hour. I jumped on the taxi driver since he refused to go on the road I suggested (but to my surprise his route seemed a much better option today). Of course, I didn't tell him that or my breakfast-deprived, morning tea-deprived tantrum would have been in vain.

At work, I lay low, as I had worn mismatched clothes and accessories. I didn't want to walk about. So I did my work quietly and anti-socially. At lunch though, the day brightened with a prospective travel buddy for my dream adventures later this year. I have not met the Boss in weeks, it gets harder to gather the nerves as days go by. I wonder which complex that is.

I thought I would have a preliminary driving test today, but the He-like Madam Examiner cut me off rudely and told me that she had no time to discuss my test timings. So I will have it later this week, still unprepared and without guts. If I fail, I have to spend a small fortune. Speaking of fortunes, I have more to on...

So after class (with a near-hit on another vehicle and confusing left/right as always), I went grocery shopping with the Sister and junior. After walking round and round shopping, with shoes that cut, trousers that kept slipping and an empty stomach, we returned home... to remember we had forgotten two bags back at the store. I was so looking forward to a relaxed few hours before bedtime.

But before that, after paying all my dues with my monthly wage received a few days back, I was utterly shocked to find out (from the ATM) that I was on the verge of bankruptcy with only a few bucks left to live on for three more weeks. My birthday present to myself by bringing my parents overseas for a visit, kinda backfired on me *sigh*. I need to learn more money management skills. Money will never be enough because universal laws suggest that expenses will always be directly proportional to one's income.

So back to forgotten bags... after gulping down a quick dinner, we drove back to the shopping centre with junior in his pajamas and collected the bags... and got back to remember we had also left a newly purchased broom next to an exit. What the hell! That's tomorrow's worry.

Today finally deserves a break.

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