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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Black and White

Had a farewell dinner for a good friend who also happens to be the best Chinese friend I've met todate, years and miles after and away from my time in South East Asia.

Everyday I am reminded that man-made denominations of race, religion, sexual orientation, caste, gender have no relation to negative/positive stereotypes that, again, man created. Each individual, regardless of the sect he/she belongs to, is responsible for his/her actions. If the entire human race share the same genome, suffer more or less the same, feel and think in a universal manner, why is there a need to distance ourselves from people who look different on the outside or who grew up in a differnt locality or who followed a different faith? If globalisation has done one good thing, that would be in providing a common ground for people of various backgrounds to come together, live and eat together, and in knowing and understanding each other, dispel myths on racism, negative stereotypes, inferior/ superior complexes and other such baseless beliefs.

Shu needs to catch up on reality, sleep, healthy food, exercise, family, good old friends and a dentist.

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