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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cloud No. 9

Relieved is he who is free from debt.

The compulsive urge to purchase from credit cards may as well be termed a psychological disorder of the 21st century, if it hasn't been already done so. Recently 3 employees at my company lost their jobs due to escalated credit card loans and were deported to their home countries after being jailed for a period of time. One of them owned 10 credit cards over the course of 5 years. Banks are eager to sell credit cards to customers and customers are more than happy to use this opportunity to lavish themselves with things they can't afford. It's like a fish that falls for the bait, only to find itself in an irreversible situation.

Credit cards may have its advantages, but unless one is strictly disciplined in their spending habits, one runs the risk of paying for things one can't afford normally or paying high interest rates for credit card loans. Ultimately, an unhappy and unsatisfactory situation. In the worst case, a mountain of debt will build up and one becomes helpless.

It doesn't matter how much people around you spend on their needs and wants. It doesn't matter that the world around you is full of tempting fantasies waiting to be purchsed. It does not matter what the media advertisements tell you. Because: banks giving you credit cards don't love you or your families. Designer brands with convincing marketing campaigns dont love you or care for your looks. The truth is YOU don't love yourself enough.

There is no need to be ashamed to spend within your means in front of your peers. You can do well with a lot less than you imagine you can. You can't fulfill your lack of self-worth with credit card materialism.

Take a stand. It's your life, not theirs.

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