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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Survivor: Homeland

Midway into her vacation, she is neither looking forward to the rest of it nor starting work after the end of it! Shu always wants the impossible.

She's rarely been home and in the past few days as she went on a couple of trips, had a few get-togethers and met close people. Other times at home, she was busy being pissed off at her mother's irrational, long-winded, emotional and illogical dramas. Her family is so dysfunctional in terms of communication, like many other families.

Class reunions are happy events with lots of laughter. She met a few old buddies from school after many years. Unlike when forming new relationships, she finds it easier to re-bond with old friends in a matter of minutes and reminisce on past stories and current gossip.

Shu has once again gained superior status over leeches, after bravely removing over 10 leeches from her feet on her own! Man, they are persuasive! Leeches are nowhere as bad as cockroaches anyway. Now she wonders what kind of idiot would give a creature a name like COCK-ROACH.

Shu initially thought she is The definition of anti-social. Maybe she was wrong. She loves chatting and keeping in touch with people she calls close. Now why does she deliberately not let people get close to her too easily? Afterall, she deals with superficial relationships that require alot of effort on her part on a regular basis. I think she stalls time, until she gets to observe, do her own tests and make conclusions on whether people can be trusted with the knowledge of her vulnerabilities.

Shu worries about her future. She is not usually the type to compare and feel bad, but a lot of people she knows, know by now what they they want to do/ not want to do, where they want to head in life, etc. She is still clueless and afraid to make any sudden moves that might have dire consequences. She feels at ease in being in an environment that requires her effort to make things right, spot irregularities and reduce chaos. But she longs for being part of an environment that would use her strengths for a Noble cause.

No doubt, she began life on one of the most beautiful locations on Earth! These are indeed some of nature's most amazing creations.


  1. Shu was just feeling anti-social before, I guess it's the company and the environment and to a certain extent, just the general timing. I hardly think she's that way.

    The pictures are gorgeous! Wish I were there too (:

    Cherish it now, for as always, you'll reminisce about this when you're back.
    Happy hols! *hugs*

  2. "WORD HISTORY The word for cockroach in Spanish is cucaracha, which should certainly set anyone with an eye for etymology to thinking. Users of English did not simply borrow the Spanish word, however. Instead, they made it conform in appearance to other English words: cock, the word for rooster, and roach, the name of a fish. We do not know exactly why these words were chosen other than their resemblance to the two parts of the original Spanish word. We do know that the first recorded use of the word comes from a 1624 work by the colonist John Smith. The form Smith used, cacarootch, is closer to the Spanish. A form more like our own, cockroche, is first recorded in 1657."
