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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Guitars and Horses

I witnessed a road accident today. My heart goes out to all people who ride motorcycles (and their families) – mostly dispatch/ delivery personnel on highways – any road accident for them is almost always fatal. If I had any say in this, I would bring in more safety regulations for these cyclists and ban their use on high-speed highways altogether.

I confidently watch TV programs/ movies involving casualties, blood and surgery without anything as much as a flinch. I even confidently took up a First Aid course thinking that this desensitization would make me competent in such a role. However, today, witnessing and driving past a real casualty lying on the side of the road made me realize that I might be one of the first people to panic and flee such a reality.

I learnt something interesting today while attending a training. The actual course content was very technical, however this particular phrase stuck with me. People don't actually resist (external) change, contrary to popular belief. They just resist being changed. So involving people in making change would be the most effective way to go around this.

Today, I met a female helicopter pilot (one of the students on training), who also happens to be a mother/wife/ex-military officer. DAMN, some guts that is. I've placed her high on my list of real life heros! Not very often I meet such admirable and courageous characters, who pass my quality standards.

My family is getting used to accommodating my academic aspirations. Only recently I started frequenting the public library to get quality study time, free from disturbances (of children and chaos) and distractions (of my netbook, the internet and movies/ tv series). As this leaves one person less for handling certain family chores, it is somewhat difficult on my sister. Hence, we need to meet halfway.

The public library, I noticed is a popular hangout for local youngsters. Its attractiveness lies in the lack of supervision from strict and conformist parents. This is one place both girls and boys can mingle (in carparks without street lights!) under the guise of serious study. Ah, teenage romance! Little do most of these kids know of the potential dangers and heartbreaks that follow such wayward affairs with strangers.

Today, a key political figure passed away. As a nation in mourning, all radio and TV stations stopped broadcasting their usual programs and replaced it with prayers. For me, listening to radio while driving has become a great joy and addiction. This left me in a very uncomfortable and irritated state. So I was forced to listen to a CD containing very old songs from my country (Clarence W.), and it took me down a long winded memory lane.

I feel my confidence growing as I participate in company sponsored trainings and undertake new responsibilities at work. In the past 9 months alone, I have learnt and progressed a lot professionally, compared to the cumulative work done for 2 years at my previous job. Thinking back, this year has been one of much radical change from my previous life. It almost feels as if I was freed from the dark clutches of an evil monster (and by monster, I do not mean any individual person).

The decision to relocate last year was a hasty and emotional one. However, I think it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am happy and satisfied about the way things turned out. I even go as far as commending myself for deciding and ending my then relationship. I do not have 100% closure on it, and at times, I still look over my shoulder longingly at the familiarity of the past. However, I would not have gotten through this extremely difficult phase in life, if not for the supportive people around me.

I also realise that blog therapy works on my character like magic! I am opening up on things I usually do not and I don't feel as self conscious. Usually, my every thought, sentence and action triggers an automatic internal “OMGwonderwhatshe/hethought/willthinkofthat” response. I have also begun to feel comfortable of the fact that I'm just like everyone else when it comes to facing trials and tribulations of life and that my problems are neither special nor am I invincible.

I'm off for the night.

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