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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Shu's Miniature Universe

A much better day....

Seriously, I believe that half the World's problems can be solved by a mere 8 hours of daily sleep, if everyone made an effort. Think about it.

Borrowed a book from the public library; something about a guy with a defective urine tract. BORINGGGG. Male authors seem to struggle with writing books involving "softer" emotions.

I have made a resolution not to talk of things I *plan* to do, instead I'll blog about it after I actually do it or initiate it.

As I type, I hear my mother asking prying questions from my sister (via Skype) about my whereabouts and the use of my newfound driving freedom. Can you believe Asian parents?! I'm way past the legal age for drinking and roaming the streets at ungodly hours, and yet, they don't get it.

Another weekend, yay, a small peak on Life's curve!

5 more days to financial freedom. The few days before pay day are the worst, living on scraps and scratching bottoms for pennies (of course, I am exaggerating a little).

Opening up to colleagues about personal things *may* come to bite you in the back. I opened up on a couple of things today, now I'm waiting for a potential bite.

Hanging out with some great friends tomorrow over a movie and coffee. Note: I have 4 types of friends - "friends", "good friends", "great friends" and "0 to100 friends", in order of increasing fondness and comfortableness while being with them.

I'm afraid of my boss! Otherwise, there is no sensible explanation for the squeaky voice and muffled words that come out when I try to talk to him. Need to figure which part of him intimidates me: his title, his social status, his intelligence, his confidence, his questions, his giant-like physique or simply his heavy footsteps.

Junior is getting better and better with his grammar each day and expressing his emotions appropriately. Today, he just swore at the "SHUCKING" door - he can't pronounce "F" yet, Thank God.

But seriously, NO, I don't believe in an omnipotent CEO God, running Universe Incorporated Pte Ltd. So what? It's just my opinion. Perhaps I'll reason out on this another time...

Reading and trying to understand academic material now is like doing the gold foil experiment. 1 in 8000 facts just bounce off the head, and the rest pass through and out of the head, concluding how much my brain has shrunk to a tiny concentrated mass over the past 3 years.

I wonder, do pets feel abandonment in the same way we do? Probably not. The abandoned cat in the car park now seems mentally stronger, she doesnt even ask to be loved and showered with attention like on the first few days. She is content to just have a meal, any meal..

I am an internet addict. I rush home to cling to my mental crutch - The Netbook - while dreading any real life activities and possibly avoiding any human contact that requires patience and effort. I barely do 5 things worthwhile on the computer. This explains the increased blogging activity lately.

Marriage? I think not. Let's face it, I wont meet that perfect guy I imagined with the many attractive and customised options, unless a prototype escaped from an advanced robotics lab, lost his way and got run over by my Jeep as I was speeding on a highway.

Superstitious I am, on nano level. I may not go hysterical over black cats, empty buckets, crossing stairways and howling dogs like my elders' generations. But superstition does work in my mind when it comes to results-driven events like exams and interviews, even though it can't be explained with any logic.

Enough rambling, I'm off to get the blessed 8 hours of sleep I am built to work with, for optimal performance.

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