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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cirque de la vie

Ah, what a terrible day! One of the bosses, kept me long after work, all the while when 4 people were waiting for me. Nothing ticks off Shu like being kept waiting or keeping other people waiting. To make things worse, there was a heavy traffic jam, none like I've ever seen in 7 months.

Shu's travelling 'circus' now consists of 4 people (excluding herself). The most interesting part is that the 4 of them come from different countries! One from Philippines, one from Egypt, one from Indonesia and one from Morocco; so that's 5 different nationalities squeezed in one car. Two of the best parts to her day are traveling to and from work with banging music and this noisy bunch who get along quite well except for the one from Philippines, mostly because of the age gap. She looked nearly horrified to hear a very elaborate conversation on Lady Gaga's infamous condom costume once. Shu loves to see people leave behind their labels and unite in the name of just being homo sapiens.

Shu, I know life is (mostly) good now. But life moves FAST. If you don't make hay while the sun shines, er...the poor donkeys won't have anything to eat??? (never wondered why that idiom existed, until now). What I mean to say is please don't procrastinate and put the things that really matter in life to the bottom of your priorities. You are now like a grasshopper dancing away to life's comforts and joys. You know very well how impermanent and uncertain life is. Everything could change in the blink of an eye. So be wise. Build yourself to be stronger on the inside. Be smart. Don't lose yourself in this materialistic tsunami of life. Be strong. Don't depend on other people for emotional anchors. Lastly, make good use of the time you have so that you won't have too many regrets later on.

This day is not due for another 8 months, but what the hell, I thought it is still funny!

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