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Monday, March 28, 2011

Meet the Friends

In the course of our life's journey, we make many friends. Different circumstances bring us together and different reasons keep us together. Some will remain closer to our heart than others.

The other day, I arranged for my 3 closest friends here (from office) to meet my travel buddies at an outdoor movie screening at a beautifully designed Egyptian-themed mall. I was a bit nervous. After all, they come from different backgrounds and the only common link for starters, was me. The initial unfamiliarity is like a black veil separating two worlds. Though, I know very well what's on either side, there is no knowing if these two worlds can co-exist happily when the veil comes off! It was not entirely a disaster and it will take time to develop and get past their differences in culture, gender, interests and preferences.

Adele. I first heard a song of hers on radio, when it peaked number one on the charts. The first time, I didn't like it; it is very different from what you might hear on radio these days. The second time, I heard it on radio during a long quiet drive, I was blown away. Somehow, I was left mystified by her voice and control of the song. I watched her on YouTube and thought to myself, how strong and confident she sounded, and that it must be because of her mature age (she looked matured). But today, I read up about her on Wiki and find out she is only 22 years of age! :O Looks can be deceiving!

Shuri is wondering if it is time to have an intervention for her Sis, who lately has been going on sudden bouts of spending cash on expensive shoes. This month alone, she got 3 new pairs. Compare this with the number of times she actually went out somewhere fancy wearing those of shoes this month = 3 days. hmmmm....the stats are a bit disturbing...


  1. Coincidentally, I just discovered Adele yesterday. Loving her 'Rumour Has It'. So groovy and jazzy. Yeah I can't believe she's only 22-her voice is so mature!! (: I LIKE!


  2. DONT STOP THE SHOE SHOPPING!!! Take advice from an avid shoe's her way of unwinding and feeling good about herself. U can suggest she buys cheaper shoes tho :p

  3. You are right. It was not the shoes or the money I was worried too much about. It's the "feeling good about herself" bit :( She does a very under-appreciated, under-paid, not-much-benefits job and I'm afraid I'm not always understanding and helpful enough *sigh*
