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Friday, March 18, 2011

The Sun always shines again

" job n. A regular activity performed in exchange for payment, especially as one's trade, occupation, or profession."

That's right, the definition does not include words such as "satisfaction", "happiness", "appreciation" or "development".

I've been sour and bitter about my job lately. Mostly, due to accumilation of unexpressed emotions (nothing out of the ordinary about Shu). It developed into a maggot-infested corpse of an issue, where it's decomposing juices oozed into my work and personal life. I stumbled on this goo and fell a few times this month.

When I dusted myself up again, I looked around me.
1. One of my travelling buddies, works 8 hours a day, 7 days a week with no days off for even a public holiday.
2. I know someone who kept their job for a few years eventhough her boss was a pervert and made passes which can be termed as sexual harassment.
3. I know plenty of friends "in-between jobs", and even I've been there.
4. I see plenty of domestic workers working here, with untold hardships and minimal wages.
5. I see many doing odd jobs, dodging authorities, living in unhabitable conditions and working amidst many occupational hazards.
6. I know a friend who works 3 jobs to make ends meet.
7. And this list does go on.

It's far easier for me to complain and be unhappy about a few inconveniences than be thankful for the plenty of things I've taken for granted about this job of mine. So I've decided to try and stop being petty about it.

Also on the topic of work, I am part of a committee organising social events for the staff. The next event, to my horror, is called a "Pub Crawl". Yes, as the name suggests, it's going to be about crawling to about 5 different pubs back to back. There will be alot of booze and drinking games and making history (mostly embarassing/ unprofessional ones). And I *really want* to worm myself out of this event, which is harder now that I'm obliged to participate as a member of that committee. Seriously Shu, you get yourself in real pickled situations. And then, there's also this guy at work who I seem to have a massive crush on.

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