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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have taken a small break from Mousehunt, the game on Facebook that I was so piously dedicated to. Even in games, they make it hard for you to accumilate gold. So after awhile the stress of making gold gets to you in a negative way.

Months of bitching about my job finally paid off this week. I got appreciated and praised one day BY THE BOSS HIMSELF for coming up with a good idea for improving things in the work place. Being the desperado I am for any morsel of attention that comes my way, I was floating 3 inches off the ground for most of the day. Pathetic, Shu. But it's amazing what a tiny line of encouragement can do to the attitude of an employee. Seriously, they need to capitalise on this stuff!

Facebook. Can't do without it these days. While it has its many advantages, one can be easily put off by things such as reading annoying posts of others like them wanting to kill themselves (why announce?), finding it difficult to find friends on the rather unfriendly friend finder, and seeing notifications from the same set of people on the news feed (eventhough I changed the settings to reflect feeds from everyone), receiving game requests, to name some.

Also on the same topic, I noticed that 98% of my photos on Facebook are ones taken with people of MY gender, which might lead people to suspect that I am a homosexual. I can't be bothered to clear misconceptions.

I am so sleepy, I should go.


  1. who cares what others think? lol at your photos issue! (:


  2. Your comment did inspire the next post!
